

What a day...yoohooo....
finally im back to alor star..Wee~~~
so damn happy...its been 2 months i did not back to hometown d...
i so goddamn miss my home...seriously..
 today i drove bak with brenda...
all the way back we were gossiping and chatting...*Guess who*
untill i did not realize dat i have already reach alor star by taking less than an hour..
i was so kinda blur and kena brenda scold...wakakka....
after putting brenda back to her home...i went to meet up wit mum at saloon...
OMG the first sentence my mum opened up to me was who r u??!!!!
LMAO...even her customer also can recognize me....
What a joke....

Oh yea...yesterday i went to watch Final Destination with mass commers...
this episode was not dat nice compared to the last 3 episodes...
but it is still scary n disgusting laaa...
*hoho*...till i scratched edmund's shirt and beat KZ's leg nonstop...
paiseh har..kakakazzz...
after the FD...i switch to the second movie which is a horror movie...ORPHAN...
i cant believe that i watch 2 crazy movie in one day...
duh...nvm...im STRONG....wohooo~~~
Honestly i think that ORPHAN is not that scary la...jux the Esther is abit insane la...
Lol...but not that horror that i expected....
Anyway...i stilll can laugh and perli my friend after the movie...wakakazz..
although its the last day of the hungry ghost festival...i still dare to watch horror movie..
*not bad ma*

Till here la...goodnitexxx...


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