
16th Penang International Open Ballroom Dancing Competition

a group of lenglui helper....teehee....
Saturday was the Latin Competition...
I had a really great and glamour night....
although it was realli tired and my legs could not afford the pain and swollen...
but its ok...i get to know new lenglui friends and of cux lengzai judges....*KEKEZ*
its really awesome to be there...

This is one of the lengzai judges...
Guess what...he is from korea....
but lots of people said he is from Japan...hahaz...
He is so tall and fair...his skin is so damnnnnn gOOd....gosh...so paiseh to stand with him....

Oh  my...so sorry...i dont know what is his name...
anyway...i knew where is he from...
He is from taiwan taipei...
dats all i know bout him....

she is so pretty...From China...
she got a student compete in Professional Latin...
OMG....they r so great...just simply GENG!!!!

He is a Filiphino...
At first i thought he is from Macau...Cux he is so fair...
I am so stereotype that filiphino supposed have a darker skin isnt it?
I became friend with him...*HAHAX***

Hoho...i get to know alots of new friends there...
especially joey...she is a very friendly person...she is a damn nice person...
look at her tiny and childish look..guess how old is her...
u definitely will not believe that she is already 29 YEARS OLD!!!!
i feel that im so old when standing beside her...gosh....


Study Week

This week is study week...
OMG today im so blur...
I thought today class is as usual...
When i woke up its already 9.50AM...
Goddamn it!!SHIT!!!im LATE for the class...
I called elaine and she told me its only 8AM?!?!?!?!
PhewWww...Im too too too blur...
i thought im still in a dream as i watch my phone and 2 watches...it shows me 10.15am?!?!?!
am i wrong or elaine?
well...when i reach college...i thought its MR Irwan MRM class...
I called elaine again...i ask her whether am i late to go inside?
She said its ok to come in...huh?!?!!@.@
Wont MR Irwan scold and shout at me..im LATE for 1 and a half hour MAN!!!
Then she said today is MR PAul PR cLass!!!!GOSHHHHH!!!
SEEeee...LOOK AT ME>>>>Im so damn BLur!!!!
this study week we supposed dont hv any class...
we dont need to follow the timetable as we used to...
we just need to attend the replacement class...
OMG!!!i was like lost memory...i cant recall anything....im so.....BLUR!!!!
anyway...TIme to buckle up myself to study and do revision...
FINAL EXAM is around the corner...7.12.2009
wish i can pass all the subjects...
im so fucking scared i will fail...



At last our relationship cannot last long....
I started to Lose the direction on the path of love....
What is LOVE???????
Should give up the person u love cux he suffered from the tense of family or stay by her side and never give up???????
I started confuse and its reallllllllly heart breaking....
LOVE....i realli lose confidence and its no longer a part of my life....
maybe SINGLE suits me more....
LOVE to me is so much complicated...
perhaps im way too long to take love from him....
NOW i shall taking back my love....
and keep it to me, my family and friends.....



Next week will be Raya break...
after the one week holiday will be exam week....
omg...feel kia kia now....
im so damn worry of PR and writing & referencing subjects...
just because i dont pay much attention to the lecturers...
+ the assignment...the proposal that have to hand by week 6...
*faint*...no idea what to do now...im so lost....
HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!



What a day...yoohooo....
finally im back to alor star..Wee~~~
so damn happy...its been 2 months i did not back to hometown d...
i so goddamn miss my home...seriously..
 today i drove bak with brenda...
all the way back we were gossiping and chatting...*Guess who*
untill i did not realize dat i have already reach alor star by taking less than an hour..
i was so kinda blur and kena brenda scold...wakakka....
after putting brenda back to her home...i went to meet up wit mum at saloon...
OMG the first sentence my mum opened up to me was who r u??!!!!
LMAO...even her customer also can recognize me....
What a joke....

Oh yea...yesterday i went to watch Final Destination with mass commers...
this episode was not dat nice compared to the last 3 episodes...
but it is still scary n disgusting laaa...
*hoho*...till i scratched edmund's shirt and beat KZ's leg nonstop...
paiseh har..kakakazzz...
after the FD...i switch to the second movie which is a horror movie...ORPHAN...
i cant believe that i watch 2 crazy movie in one day...
duh...nvm...im STRONG....wohooo~~~
Honestly i think that ORPHAN is not that scary la...jux the Esther is abit insane la...
Lol...but not that horror that i expected....
Anyway...i stilll can laugh and perli my friend after the movie...wakakazz..
although its the last day of the hungry ghost festival...i still dare to watch horror movie..
*not bad ma*

Till here la...goodnitexxx...



Long time i did not open my blog d...*hoho*
maybe i should try to update my blog everyday....
learn to blog....perhaps can improve my writing skills...*kekez*
Anyway...this is my 2nd semester d...
pheww...in a blink of an eye...im in the 2nd sem d...
work hard....hehe...



hey..the first time im blogging...
lol...its kinda weird as i dont used to blog...
and i dont even think of blogging....
ever since i found out my friend's blog and i became so interested....
back to the topic...
today i am so goddamn headache with ma assignments...
Suddenly tons of assignments came to me...
hoho...*actually lecturers gave us earlier just we dont get to prepare earlier*
blame ourself...*sigh*
anyway, tomorrow will be ma first time presentation...
lol...sooooo nervous....*million of ants rushing in my stomach*
till here...gotta do continue my assignments....